Feminist Reader: September 2015

Each month, the Rhodes Project publishes a selection of articles that approach issues of gender and feminism from informed, opinionated and novel angles. Visit the Feminist Reader to find out about women's responses to current challenges and catch up on gender-related news from around the world.


In NewStatesman, June Eric-Udorie writes about the toxicity developing within online feminist discussions that depend upon identity politics and a limiting "oppression calculus".

Stacia L Brown explains, in The New Republic, explains the backlash against Allure Magazine's editorial entitled "You (Yes, You) Can Have an Afro", which decontextualized the hairstyle and featured predominantly white models.  

In The New York Times, Joanne Lipman argues for companies to publish their gender pay gap to expose income inequality and incentivise change. 

Cathe Shubert writes about women's writing and the historical roots of sexism in publishing for The Ploughshares Blog at Emerson College.

Shaina Maini offers an incisive perspective on sexism in science in India, arguing that it causes the loss of half its intellectual capital and, at its worst, puts women at risk.

Captain Kristen Griest and First Lieutenant Shaye Haver make history as the first women to graduate from the US Army's elite Ranger School. 

In The Guardian, Jennifer Rankin writes about the persisting gender pay gap in management in the UK, drawing on a recent survey that revealed that female managers earn 22% less than their male counterparts (that's nearly two hours a day of "free" work).

In NewStatesman, Glosswitch argues for more depictions of mothers, motherhood, and childcare in literature. She questions whether the absence of childcare is because it's still predominantly women's work.