Dr Blackmon and Professor Rudy to present findings from the Rhodes Project at 2013 meeting of the Academy of Management

We received word today that the first academic paper to have been prepared based on the Rhodes Project data – Dr Blackmon’s and Professor Rudy’s “`and you think you have it all mapped out’: Women Rhodes Scholars’ Work-Life Identity Narratives” – has been accepted for presentation in a Gender and Diversity in Organizations Divisional session at the 2013 Academy of Management meeting in Orlando, Florida, August 9 -13, 2013. Reviewers found that the study was based on “an extremely relevant topic” and had great potential “because of the amazing and interesting sample of women at the center of it.”

The Academy of Management is the preeminent association for management and organizational scholars.  Held each year in August, meetings of the Academy of Management provide a forum for sharing research and expertise in all management disciplines. Annual Meeting information may be found at http://aom.org/annualmeeting/. Click here to read the paper in our Working Paper Series.  Click here to find out more about the Gender and Diversity in Organizations division of the Academy of Management.