"New York, May 28, 2013—Columbia Law School Professor Sarah H. Cleveland presented a proposal for the "The Restatement (Fourth) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States" to the annual meeting of the American Law Institute in Washington, D.C. on May 22.
Cleveland, the Louis Henkin Professor in Human and Constitutional Rights and a noted expert in international law and the constitutional law of U.S. foreign relations, has been appointed coordinating reporter for the Restatement project, a task she will share with Paul B. Stephan, a law professor at the University of Virginia. The pair will oversee the work of teams of scholars, judges, and practitioners in drafting the restatement. The topics they will tackle first are the status of treaties in U.S. law, jurisdiction and judgments, and state immunities. Cleveland will also serve as one of the three reporters on the treaty prong of the project.
The American Law Institute (ALI) was founded in 1923 and serves as the leading independent organization in the United States producing scholarly work “to clarify, modernize, and otherwise improve the law.” It is made up of eminent judges, lawyers from government and the private sector, and law professors from across the United States and from many foreign countries." Read more at Columbia Law School.