Profile with Genevieve Quist Green

Genevieve Quist Green (California & Trinity 2007) is a Principal Associate at Education Resource Strategies in Boston, Massachusetts. Previously, she worked as the Massachusetts Policy Director at Stand for Children and as a middle school English teacher. She holds a DPhil in Social Policy from the University of Oxford, a Teaching Credential from California State University, Dominguez Hills and a BS in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University.

Rhodes Project: Where did you grow up?

Genevieve Quist Green: I was born in Atlanta, Georgia, then moved to Burlington, Vermont when I was twelve.

Rhodes Project: What was the last book you read for pleasure?

Genevieve Quist Green: I recently discovered Ann Patchett’s novels. First I read her bestsellers, and more recently the first novel she published called The Patron Saint of Liars. It’s about a young, married woman in California during the 1960s. When she becomes pregnant, she decides to essentially exit her life and goes to a home for unwed mothers in Kentucky. The story is told from a few different perspectives, and it’s so well done.

Rhodes Project: Can you tell me about a favorite childhood memory?

Genevieve Quist Green: I loved being so close to the mountains and Lake Champlain when I lived in Vermont. Summers during high school were great- especially after learning how to drive.

Rhodes Project: Can you describe what your current job entails?

Genevieve Quist Green: I’m with the non-profit consulting firm Education Resource Strategies, and we contract directly with urban school districts as well as State Education Authorities.  Our work focuses on core aspects of education policy, including finance, talent management and strategic school design. Our goal is to help school systems take on the dramatic changes that are needed to better serve low-income children.  

Rhodes Project: What motivated you to give up teaching and go into the job that you are currently in?

Genevieve Quist Green: For most of college I was a research assistant on a long-term study of how poverty influences child development, which is what originally motivated me to go into teaching. I joined Teach For America so that I could have a positive impact in a high-needs school. Without wanting to sound too clichéd, it was the most difficult and best thing I have ever done. Working with my students and their families, and gaining a better understanding of the range of needs that existed in the Los Angeles school district motivated me to get into education policy. I now get to work at a level where the change I’m supporting has an impact on how entire school systems operate.

Rhodes Project: What is the best part of your job now?

Genevieve Quist Green: The best part of my job is working with such smart, committed people- my colleagues as well as our clients. My daily interactions are with people who are trying to turn around schools and districts.

Rhodes Project: Do you miss being a classroom teacher?

Genevieve Quist Green: I do miss working directly with kids- there’s a mix of hilarity and intensity involved in teaching that you can’t get anywhere else.

Rhodes Project: Is there anything that consistently frustrates you in life?

Genevieve Quist Green: Aside from national politics…I think my frustrations change pretty regularly because I mostly try to tackle and fix them- or somehow convince myself that they are no longer frustrating!

Rhodes Project: Who inspires you?

Genevieve Quist Green: The people I work with on a daily basis inspire me- I don’t have to look much further than my office.

Rhodes Project: What do you like to do outside of work?

Genevieve Quist Green: My husband and I have developed a great group of friends in Boston over the past few years. We also just bought our first home, so we’re having fun fixing it up.

Rhodes Project: What brings you joy in life?

Genevieve Quist Green: Tom- my husband- as well as the work I get to do. I feel very lucky.

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